The special collections have enlarged and improved by generous donations of Old Haileyburians, their families and other supporters. We welcome donations that enhance and strengthen our existing collections, or gifts which form appropriate new ones. The Haileybury Information and Knowledge Service is continually looking increase the quality of its collections to highlight the cultural heritage of the School. Our collections spark the intellectual curiosity of our pupils and interest in subjects not offered by the curriculum.
Without the generosity of past and present donors the Special Collections would not have the richness of materials which now provides a valuable resource for the School’s learning and research programmes. Important donations over the last decade have included the J.P.S. Thomson papers, the Hugh Sawbridge Collection, the Thorne papers and the Chapple Kipling Collection.
Potential donors of material for the Special Collections should get in touch with Toby Parker, the Director of Learning and Research and College Archivist.