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Using the HIKS Catalogue
HIKS Catalogue
Archives and Special Collections
Reading Rooms
Royal Society for Asian Affairs Collection
Kipling Society Collections
Donations and support for Haileybury’s Special Collections

The HIKS Catalogue is accessible though the Pupil and Staff portal. Visitors are able to access the catalogue also but they do not have the ability to use the personalised functions. All of Main Library books and audio visual material, the Archives, sheet music and the Royal Society for Asian Affairs collection are included in the catalogue. In addition, there are a large number of digital resources included in the catalogue. The catalogue also provides direct entry to the other areas of the HIKS system via the Resources menu.


The basic catalogue search operates like most web-based search engines, and selecting/deselecting resources from the search scopes can refine it. The scopes allow you to refine your search by selecting the type of the resource you are looking for.

A more precise search is best undertaken using the Advanced Search. The HIKS Advanced Search has been designed to offer simple and advanced controls, making it a user-friendly system. The basic controls allow the user to search Subject, Titles and Authors. Advanced controls provide additional fields used to refine the parameters of the search further. Searches can also be filtered by content and location using the control bars next to the Advanced Search fields.

The search will provide you with results that are grouped into tabulated resource types such as fiction, non-fiction and digital resources:


The HIKS catalogue provides users with additional bibliographical information on fiction and non-fiction resources, such as summaries of the texts, contents pages and excerpts. In addition, this service also allows provides users with reading recommendations based on author, theme, genre and reading ability. Related topics and authors are offered for the reader to explore. All of the suggested books in the catalogue form part of the Main Library’s collection.


The Reading Rooms allow users to discover more about the fiction and non-fiction held in the Main Library. Staff and pupil reviews, a book recommendation service and virtual thematic displays are some for the elements available in this area. Information and links to two eBook borrowing services are also available here.


Users can create their own reading lists for pleasure and record a literature search for project work or Extended Essay using the HIKS Catalogue:

The Reading Lists button provides pupils with reading lists for specific courses and activities.